Skills & Experience

Online Marketing Manager
Swiss Life AG | September 2021 - October 2022
- Responsible for the digital experience of the House and Living Hub on www.swisslife.ch
- SEO responsibility for www.swisslife.ch incl. education and training of stakeholders
- Technical support for enquiries on the digital and online channels

Marketing & Communication Officer
Great Place to Work Switzerland | March 2019 - August 2021
Creation and implementation of the annual marketing strategy, incl. budget and staff responsibility
Implementation of the marketing automation & CRM software ActiveCampaign
Adaptation and further development of the product portfolio and the brand presence incl. media relations, creation of POS material, online presence and event management

Business Development Manager
K&W Software AG | September 2018 - February 2019
Iterating existing the product offer using Business Model Canvas
Ensure internal and external communication using the website and newsletter

Content Manager
JobCloud AG | August 2016 - August 2018
Creation of blog content for the JobCoach Blog of jobs.ch/jobup.ch and jobcloud.ch (text, image & video)
Responsibility for content management incl. SEO optimization
Social media campaign management (paid & organic) incl. KPI reporting and community management

Communications Manager
Mantel Digital AG | September 2014 - Juli 2016
Ensuring corporate communication incl. media releases
Re-design and implementation of the corporate website incl. content creation in DE / FR / EN
Creation of product brochures, product flyers and product videos

Internship Morning Show «Ufsteller»
Radio 24 AG | January 2015 - September 2015
- Conduct interviews, edit and prepare stories
- Support in the improvement of work processes and procedures
- Topic setting, organisation of studio guests and conception of radio series

Teamlead & Backoffice Agent
XAL Lighting AG | August 2010 - May 2012
Personnel and technical management of 3 FTEs
Customer acquisition, consulting, creating offers and process orders
Content Creation
Marketing Automation / CRM
CMS (Content Management System)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Programming / Dev

Project Management

M.Sc. BA in Digital Business and Online Marketing
HSLU Luzern | September 2018 - August 2020
- Consecutive Master‘s programme with practical knowledge in online marketing and e-commerce
- Imparting specialist knowledge with practice-oriented modules in IT and project management, business plan development, e-commerce as well as online marketing and customer relationship management.

Business Communication (Exchange Semester Berlin)
HTW Berlin | September 2015 - March 2016
Applying application-oriented social science, economic and design skills at the interface between business and communication

B.A. in Communication
ZHAW Winterthur | September 2013 - August 2016
Learning the basics in organisational communication and journalism incl. media research, media linguistics, media law and media skills
Deepening language skills in German, French and English

Vocational baccalaureate
EPAI - GIBS Fribourg | August 2012 - August 2013
Mandatory boarding school for university
Major in commerce and industry

Sales Specialist Federal Diploma
KV Schule Zürich | September 2009 - August 2011
Create sales concepts derived from corporate and marketing strategies.
Design of needs-oriented offer bases, implementation of operational sales planning, incl. route planning and remuneration bases

Sales Specialist Vocational Diploma
BFDHZ | August 2006 - August 2008
Learning the basics of consulting and sales
Federal certificate of proficiency